Save without taxes
- Exempt from taxation from the 5th year onwards
- Excellent return
- Maximum contributions of €5,000/year
- Possibility of mobilisation from one entity to another
- Redemption from the first year
PPA Mutualidad* is an Assured Pension Plan aimed at mutual members who are looking for a way to supplement their retirement. It allows mobility to and from other pension plans or social security systems and has the same tax benefits as any other pension plan.
* System included in the Plan Universal de la Abogacía.
Do you want to know if you are eligible to become a member of Mutualidad?
When the time comes for you to retire, you will be able to choose how you will receive your pension from your PPA Mutualidad: in the form of an annuity, a capital sum, a combination of the two, or in the form of non-regular payments (with, of course, the remainder of the accumulated value retained).
You can currently contribute up to 1,500 euros per year to your own plan and up to an additional 1,000 euros to your spouse’s plan if he or she does not have any income or has an income of less than 8,000 euros per year. In the event that the holder has a disability or wishes to make an additional contribution in favour of a person with a disability, the annual contributions may be up to 24,250 euros.
If you are already a member, you can apply for this product by logging into your user area.
If you are not yet a member, you can sign up for this product by downloading and completing the application form.
We are at your disposal to answer any questions you may have about this product and its contract, do not hesitate to contact us.
With the Mutualidad PPA it is possible to take out coverage for absolute permanent disability in the form of an annuity or a capital sum. In this system it is not possible to take out temporary disability cover.
The Mutualidad PPA has a basic death capital associated with it, which can also be increased up to a maximum of €300,000.
With the Mutualidad PPA, due to its nature as a PPA, the member may retire at the time he/she actually reaches retirement age in the corresponding Social Security scheme, or in the Mutualidad.
Yes, as long as you are not receiving another private benefit, because you cannot be a beneficiary and participant in one or more plans at the same time for the retirement contingency.
It may be in the form of capital, annuity, mixed or other pay-outs.
Yes, transfer of pension plans, PIAS and PPAs is allowed. The other institution cannot charge any fees or penalties and must make the transfer within 7 days.
Save without taxes
Save with Tax Benefits
PIAS system included in the Universal Legal Professionals’ Plan.
Save and protect your future
Take care of the most important thing in life