What is a pre-need burial service?

In such a delicate situation as the loss of a loved one, Mutualidad offers you a solution for all the formalities associated with the burial.


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What is our Plus Sepelio service like?

When the time comes, we provide you with a service to take care of all the formalities related to the funeral. Your family will not have to take care of anything. We have a leading specialist in funeral services, AVANTIA GRUPO PREVENTIVA , who will organise everything so that your loved ones can pass their bereavement in complete privacy.


A pre-need burial service to accompany your family.

Who is it for?

For all members who have taken out the Plan Alternativo Autónomo, PPA Mutualidad, PIAS Mutualidad or the Plan Ahorro Flexible and have a balance or a death benefit of 7,000 euros or more, both at the time of application and at the time of death.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the funeral is covered by the member’s own premiums, up to a maximum of 6,000 euros. Only 0.70 euros per month will be charged to the balance, corresponding to the transfer of mortal remains guarantee.

What does the removal of mortal remains guarantee cover?

This guarantee covers the transfer of mortal remains to any location, regardless of where in Spain or the world the death occurs.


How to apply? Find out more

Download the application form indicating the insurance in which you would like the balance or the benefit corresponding to this service to be applied or if you prefer, we will call you.

Once requested, send your application to Mutualidad by email to sam@mutualidad.com, or on paper to our headquarters Espacio Mutualidad C/Serrano nº5, 28001 Madrid

Once the contract has been approved, you will receive a card with your details and a telephone number to call to request the service.

Are you a member of Mutualidad?

Download our app and you will be able to access your personal space where you carry out all your business.