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Corporate governance

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Our governing bodies represent all members and have the mission to create value for them.

The members, through their representatives in the General Assembly, elect the members of the Governing Board. In addition, the Governing Board elects its president, vice-president and secretary, the members of the Executive Committee and the other Committees, and the Directorate General.

Consult the social statutes of Mutualidad here.

General Assembly

The General Meeting is the sovereign body for the formation and expression of corporate will, in matters attributed to it by the legal provisions and the Articles of Association of Mutualidad. The holding of the General Assembly shall be preceded by Preliminary Territorial Assemblies, at which the representatives of the mutual members to the General Assembly shall be elected.

On this page members can consult all the information concerning the General Assembly of Mutualidad.

Below, you can consult all the documentation relating to the Assembly, which will be updated periodically until the Assembly is held:

Governing Board and Committees

The Governing Board is the executive body of the resolutions of the General Assembly. It is responsible for the representation, governance and strategic management of Mutualidad for the best fulfilment of its objectives.

The Governing Board of Mutualidad is composed of seventeen members and is renewed annually by third parties. On the other hand, the Executive Committee is composed of seven members of the Board. The Board also has other Commissions, Areas and Committees.

Enrique Sanz Fernandez Lomana, presidente de Mutualidad de la Abogacía
D. Enrique Sanz Fernández-Lomana
D. José María Alonso Puig
Vice President
D.ª Victoria Ortega Benito

Governing Board

Composed of:

  • D. Enrique Sanz Fernández-Lomana (President)
  • D. José María Alonso Puig (Vice President)
  • D.ª Victoria Ortega Benito (Secretary)
  • D.ª Marta Alarcón Alejandre (Independent Board Member)
  • D. Cipriano Arteche Gil (Board Member)
  • D.ª Idoya Basterrechea Aranda (Board Member)
  • D. Rafael Bonmatí Llorens (Board Member)
  • D. Fernando Candela Martíne (Board Member)
  • D. Joaquim De Miquel Sagnier (Board Member)
  • D. David Manuel Díez Revilla (Board Member)
  • D. Rafael Massieu Curbelo (Board Member)
  • D.ª Pilar Menor Sánchez (Board Member)
  • D. José Félix Mondelo Santos (Board Member)
  • D. Ignacio Monedero Montero de Espinosa (Board Member)
  • D.ªBlanca Montero Corominas (Board Member)
  • D.ª Lucía Solanas Marcellán (Board Member)
  • D.ª Bárbara Sotomayor Aparicio (Board Member)

Executive Committee

Composed of:

  • D. Enrique Sanz Fernández-Lomana (President)
  • D. José María Alonso Puig (Vice President)
  • D. Victoria Ortega Benito (Secretary)
  • D. Cipriano Arteche Gil (Board Member)
  • D. David Manuel Díez Revilla (Board Member)
  • D. Rafael Bonmatti Llorens (Board Member)
  • D.ª Marta Alarcón Alejandre (Board Member)

Audit Committee

Composed of:

  • D.ª Marta Alarcón Alejandre (Independent Board Member)
  • D. Blanca Montero Corominas (Board Member)
  • D.ª Idoya Basterrechea Aranda (Board Member)
  • D. Rafael Massieu Curbelo (Board Member)

Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee

Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Composed of:

  • D. Rafael Massieu Curbelo (President)
  • D.ª Pilar Menor Sánchez (Commission Secretariat)
  • D.ª Marta Alarcón Alejandre (Independent Board Member)
  • D.ª Blanca Monntero Corominas (Board Member)

Regulations of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Benefits Committee

Composed of:

  • D. Fernando Candela Martínez (President)
  • D. David Manuel Díez Revilla (Board Member)
  • D. Joaquim De Miquel Sagnier (Board Member)

Articles of Association and Regulations Committee

Composed of:

  • D. Rafael Bonmati Llorens (President)
  • D. Antonio V. Albanés Membrillo (Board Member)
  • D.ª Lucía Solanas Marcellán (Board Member)

Technology and Digital Transformation Committee

Composed of:

  • D.ª Bárbara Sotomayor (President)
  • D. José Félix Mondelo Santos (Board Member)

Ethics and Sustainability Committee

Composed of:

  • D. José Félix Mondelo Santos (President)
  • D.ª Pilar Menor Sánchez (Board Member)

Regulations of the Ethics and Sustainability Commission

Artificial Intelligence Ethics Committee

Composed of:

  • D. José Félix Mondelo Santos (President)
  • D.ª Pilar Menor Sánchez (Board Member)

Presidency Area

Composed of:

  • D. Enrique Sanz Fernández-Lomana (President)
  • D. David Manuel Díez Revilla (Communication)
  • D. Jose María Alonso Puig (Institutional)

International Area

Composed of:

  • D. Juan Bassas Mariné (Former member)
Governing Board Regulations

To download the regulations click on the link.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council of Mutualidad is made up of prestigious professionals, in order to be able to rely on the criteria and contrasting capacity of these experts, whose opinion is advisory.

Marieta del Rivero
Independent director and Chairwoman of the Appointments, Remuneration and Sustainability Committee of Cellnex Telecom. Independent director of Gestamp Automoció. Non-executive Chairwoman of Onivia. Chairwoman of the Onivia Appointments and Remuneration Committee. Member of the Advisory Board of Mutualidad and Made in Möbile. Trustee of the Tecnalia Foundation.
Ana García Fau
Independent director of DLA Piper, member and chair of the audit committee of Merlin Properties, member of Gestamp Automoción and Eutelsat Communications, Technicolor and of Renovalia, (owned by the Cerberus fund).
Juan María Nin Génova
Lawyer and economist. Former Deputy Chairman and CEO of CaixaBank and Deputy Chairman of Criteria CaixaHolding and the Fundación "la Caixa".
José Miguel Rodríguez-Pardo
Actuary and economist, former General Manager of BBVA Seguros and PhD in Economics and Biomedicine.
Juan Carlos Ureta
Chairman of Renta 4, leave of absence as Abogado del Estado and former Chairman of the Instituto de Análisis Financieros.

In the area of good governance, adopting best practices in transparency is a priority for us. In this regard, we issue our annual Corporate Governance Report on a voluntary basis.

You can consult all our reports in the section About Mutuality – Annual Reports

Here you can see Mutualidad’s information regarding our products, campaigns, business, solvency and much more updated as of September 2023.

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