Do you have questions about Mutualidad? You are in the right place. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about forecasting, saving and investing.

What is a mutual society?

A mutual insurance company is a non-profit insurance company founded on the principles of solidarity and collective assistance. It is where people come together voluntarily to access services based on trust and reciprocity. The purpose of the mutual society is to provide social security cover for its policyholders members.

I want to save money, what are the advantages of being a member?

Being a mutual member means being part of a solvent, safe, reliable and human welfare, savings and investment institution, which manages more than 9 billion euros for more than 209,000 legal professionals and their families and which offers high profitability in its savings products.

Do I have to go to Mutualidad de la Abogacía to register as a member?

No, it is not necessary. Fill in the form on the contact page and a consultant will contact you to help you with all your questions.

Do I have to be working to be a member?

No, you don’t necessarily have to be working to be a member.

I work in a law firm, but I am not a lawyer, can I be a member?

Employees of law firms can become members of a mutual insurance company as long as they document their relationship with the firm.

I want to open a deposit account ; can you help me?

Mutualidad de la Abogacía does not have this type of product as we are a non-profit insurance company. We offer legal professionals and their families solutions to cover all their pension, savings and investment needs through insurance products.

Can I bring my Pension Plan to Mutualidad?

Yes. You can mobilise it without any tax implications. If you are interested, leave us your details in the contact form and one of our advisors will call you and arrange the mobilisation.

How can I recover the accumulated balance of my products?

As long as it is not an Autonomous Alternative Plan or a Mutual PPA, the balance of the fund account accumulated in any of the contracted products may be redeemed.

Important: in some cases, there are minimum stay periods and penalties established in the particular conditions and in the application regulations.

For more information regarding the redemption of the accumulated balance of the Autonomous Alternative Plan, you can consult the “Extra documentation – Regulations” section in the following link: https://www.mutualidad.com/en/products/self-employed/plan-alternativo-autonomo/ or that of the PPA Mutualidad the following link: https://www.mutualidad.com/en/products/savings/ppa-mutualidad/

For the rest of the products, you can consult through the Mutualidad website, section “Products – Extra Documentation – Regulations” in each of them.

Check the plan you have contracted in your private area https://www.mutualidad.com/productos/autonomos/plan-alternativo-autonomo/ and, if you need help, do not hesitate to contact us on the channels enabled for it https://www.mutualidad.com/en/contact/

We will tell you more

Get more information by contacting a Mutualidad sales manager. Fill in the form and we will call you back.

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